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5 Reasons You Should be Using Your Employer’s Education Benefits

Now is an opportune time to set new goals for yourself and seek your employer’s support.

Does your employer offer education benefits? Are you using them? Continuous learning is important for professional development, and education benefits offer a structured, often subsidized path to acquiring new skills and knowledge. Here are five practical reasons why you should consider making the most of your employer’s education benefits:

1. Career Advancement

Employer education benefits provide an excellent opportunity for career growth. By learning and gaining new credentials, you are positioning yourself as a proactive contributor to your company’s success. A diverse skill set not only adds value to your current role but also prepares you for higher responsibilities and potential leadership positions. Employers value versatility and adaptability, making continuous learning a strategic move for career advancement.

2. Enhanced Job Satisfaction

Studies show that employees feel greater job satisfaction when they see they are supported at work. When employees are able to ask for their employer’s support in reaching professional goals, it creates a positive mindset. In turn, it results in a positive work environment which increases employee retention, saves costs associated with recruitment and training and reduces turnover rates. It’s a win-win.

3. Financial Advantages

Finances often hinder further education, but employer education benefits can help. Programs like tuition reimbursement enable you to pursue courses without bearing the full cost. Acquiring new skills through these benefits can lead to promotions and increased earning potential, making it a wise long-term investment in your financial stability and career prosperity.

4. Adaptability and Increased Job Security

Committing to continuous learning not only ensures job security but also opens doors to diverse career opportunities. The job market is ever-changing with continual technological advancements and shifts in demand. Adaptability to evolving trends and technologies makes you an indispensable asset to your organization. Embracing education benefits enhances job security by keeping you ahead of these changes.

5. Personal Fulfillment

Beyond professional advantages, employer education benefits contribute to personal enrichment and fulfillment. Engaging in learning experiences aligned with your interests enhances job satisfaction on a deeper level. Finding fulfillment not only in workplace contributions but also in pursuing knowledge that resonates with personal goals adds a meaningful dimension to your life.

Now is an opportune time to set new goals for yourself and seek your employer’s support. When considering an education program alongside your work, evaluate factors like the specific degree or credential needed for your goals. Look for flexibility in online programs if you’re working full-time. And if you have prior work or learning experience, explore eligibility for credit for prior learning, providing a head start toward reaching your educational goals more efficiently.

Beal University is a Good Place to Start

Beal offers 28 diploma and degree programs across 6 fields of study which might be able help advance your career. Beal’s programs are adaptable, flexible, and agile allowing you to finish faster and put your education to work immediately.

If you’re interested in learning more about our programs, fill out the form to receive more information. A friendly Beal University Career Advisor can answer career questions, guide you to our virtual tour, and get you helpful financial aid information. Get the answers you need to discover the perfect career path for you.