October 23rd Offers Chance to Reflect on Importance of Medical Assisting

Medical Assistants play a crucial role in the healthcare field. Supporting physicians and other healthcare professionals in clinical or administrative roles, Medical Assistants perform a range of duties. From running the office to drawing blood, Medical Assistants answer a host of different medical needs.
For over 30 years, October 23rd has been recognized as National Medical Assistants Day. The observation began with the American Association of Medical Assistants, which was founded in 1956 and recognized as an accrediting agency for Medical Assisting programs in 1974. Since then, the AAMA has been helping to inform, prepare, and support Medical Assistants in their profession.
National Medical Assistants Day provides an excellent opportunity to thank a Medical Assistant you know, or show your support for the profession on social media using #MedicalAssistantsRecognitionDay. It’s also a great time for anyone interested in the field to learn more.
Beal started its first medical assisting class in 1979 and achieved programmatic accreditation from CAAHEP in 1985, making Beal College’s medical assisting program the state’s longest running accredited program. Students begin by taking a 14 month Diploma program, which is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs and allows the student to sit for the AAMA certification exam. Students can then choose to advance their career even further with an Associate’s Degree in Medical Assisting.
Whether you want to thank a Medical Assistant or are considering joining the profession yourself, be sure to take some time today to recognize the hard and necessary work done every day by Medical Assistants!