Beal recognizes high-achieving students

Beal College has released its list of students earning Honor Roll status for Mod 4, which ran in March and April of 2019.
The College congratulates these students on their hard-earned achievement! As a career college, Beal educates many students who are working part- or full-time, raising families, or returning to school after working in another field, in addition to those who are embarking on their first career. All students who balance the demands of academic life with their other responsibilities are to be commended.
Beal’s Honor Roll is divided into two categories: one for part-time students, defined as those taking between three and six credit hours in a single mod; and another for full-time students, those who carry at least six credit hours. In order to be eligible for Honor Roll status, students must be enrolled in a degree or diploma program, and earn a grade of B or higher in all courses taken during the mod.
Beal’s mod system operates differently from other area colleges. All courses at Beal run for eight-week periods, called mods. Mods are offered all year, allowing most students to earn a certificate in one year, or an associate’s degree in just two years. Full-time students usually take two courses each mod.