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Career Services

Carrer Services – Beal Will Help You Purse Career Opportunities

Get The Edge You Need While On The Job Hunt, Visit The Career Services Center

Service to our students involves more than just providing a quality education. In order to help graduates put their skills to the best possible use, we offer career development assistance. Through ongoing professional relationships with businesses, organizations and governmental agencies, the Career Services Office can help connect you to an opportunity that matches your skill set.

Register With Career Services

Students and graduates seeking employment assistance are encouraged to register with the Career Services Office as early as possible and to maintain contact throughout their education and career. Career development facilitation is available in both one-on-one consultations as well as group forums.

Get to know the people in Career Services and the resources they offer.  Let’s work together to create a strategy that leads to your success!

Services Include:

  • Assistance in resume development
  • Interview techniques
  • Employment leads
  • Employment surveys & trends
  • Development of a professional attitude toward the employment search
  • Do informational interviewing
  • Learn what employers will expect of you
  • Clarify your job objective
  • Fine tune your resume
  • Draft cover letters
  • Practice interviewing
  • Develop a professional image
  • Learn effective job search methods

There is no guarantee of employment or of a minimum starting salary. No one is authorized by the school to make such guarantees.

Contact Career Services

Phil Payne
Career Services
207-307-3900 ext. 337
[email protected]

Email Career Services

  • View our privacy and terms policies